Concerning Issue of Substance Radiation

In the article are examined tests, conducted for study of the phenomenon “of quantum behavior” of the electrons in experimental physics.   Has  been  expressed  a  supposition that  any  type  radiation  of  the  substance,  including  light,  comprises of two constituent parts: radial and wave radiation. They are variants of qualitative matter and energy, which spread in space with a great speed without mingling in each other.  Radiation  doesn’t comprise  of  charged  particles  having  mass  of  immobility.  Their occurrence takes place during propagation of radiation in space.   Electron is a particle and not a wave -particle as this is stated by leading scientists of quantum mechanics.  As it is known, a substance being in a certain state, has ability to radiate energy, field  having  electromagnetic qualities  or  substance  stream  (or  simultaneously  both)  and  also  in  a  different conditions – to absorb energy and modify.

All good of the modern civilization (radio transistor, television, computer, metro and all transport  facilities  working  on  current  and  other)  became  possible  after  was ascertained  that  electromagnetic forces transmit in space by means of fields and variable magnetic field  causes  variable electric fields in space  (and vice-versa).   Modern  physics, in  the  theory  of  elementary  particles,  ascertained  that  even  when  neither particle is found in space, vibrations of electromagnetic field take place; in the vacuum  appear and disappear elementary, so called virtual particles, which in certain conditions have  ability to transform into real particles. And modern quantum electrodynamics already describes  a process of light radiation and absorption by the electrons being in the atom composition.

Did physics come to such important result? As it is known light represents a minor, but  an important part of broad spectrum of substance radiation.   During  several  centuries  the scientists  were  trying  to  determine  what  does  light  represent  –  corpuscles  or  waves. Over  the  time  of  the  entire  history  of  science  development  opinion  concerning nature  of  light  was  periodically  changing.  M.  Planck’s  discovery  of  quantum  of energy and action at the frontier of XX century to a certain extent changed opinions on light,  but dualism in this issue has not been exterminated to the end. Corpuscules were changed by light quantum –   photons. Scientists could examine events concerning propagation of light only  from the wave standpoint and light influence on substance (photoeffect, Compton event) was being defined only on the basis of opinion concerning corpuscules and photons.

Photon is a quantum of electromagnetic field – elementary particle, participating only in electromagnetic interaction and does not participate in a weak and strong interaction. Thus, a certain  unusual  picture  is  obvious:  one  and  same  object  (light  or  γ  radiation)  simultaneously   behaves  as  a  particle  so  as  a  wave.  De  Broglie  supposed:  as  light  waves  have  qualities  of  the  particles, it’s possible that particle electron has a wave quality, i.e. it, as light, is characterized by  dualism [3]. Many physicists accepted a wave-particles reality. Though it wasn’t easy because as we know, wave is indeterminable in space and a particle is concentrated at the point. But, it was  evident that  these incompatible  modes  together  were  giving  a  full  reflection  of  microworld  reality .

There  appeared  a  standpoint  that  quantum  event  doesn’t  subordinate  to  the  ordinary  logic. Heinzerberg in the theories reflecting microworld brought in algebra of matrix graphs, on  which is written probability of events and not any values reflecting an event. He relied on the  conception   of   electron   as   a   particle   and   processes,   as   quantum interruptibility.   E.  Schrodinger selected another way. He created wave mechanics for the microworld, which he  described by ordinary order of mechanics description: he was conceiving an electron as a wave  and vibrations – as continuous process.

Exists standpoint concerning quantum mechanics that by using probability we beautify  our  personal  uncertainty  in  circumstances  and  ignorance  of  nature  history.  And  nature  itself  really knows to absolute precision. Classical physics never had doubt about it.

Nils Bohr in scientific disputes with the colleagues often indicated: “It’s time to come to  an  agreement  that  we  do  not  understand  something  important!”.  By  bringing  in  a  complementation (complementarity) principle to the microworld physics, N. Bohrattempted to  make  incomprehensible  clear.  He  stated  that  from  the  classical standpoint,  qualities  with  difficulty connecting with the reality do not exclude but fill each other.  And  Heinzerberg  with  the  same  purpose  mathematically  deduced  a  law  of  correlation  of  ambiguity, which is equal to the statement that nature is not at all exact

Author of the present article considers that he has enough solid foundation to express  the following opinion: it’s the physicists’ opinion on existence of wave particles in nature, in  particular, conception of electron as of wave-particle, does not correspond to the facts, as they  rely on the  incorrect analysis of the experimental results, which is caused by difficult theory  existing on light nature. We shall attempt, to the extent possible, to confirm this consideration.  We consider that at the initial stage, for this will be enough to consider many tests conducted  by the physicists in the past with the purpose of study of the electron behavior and conclusions  inferred  proceeding  from  them.  “Feynman’s  lectures  on  physics”  will  assist  us  in  this.  Chapter 37 of the book under the title “Quantum behavior” starts with detailed examination of  the  tests  conducted  by  bullets, waves  and  electrons  and  analysis  of  the  received  results.  Physicists  believed  that  for  comprehension  of  the  electron  behavior  is  necessary  to  opposite  with them a behavior of  solid particles and water waves. That is why they used first one then  second conception to ascertain what would happen in certain conditions.

Common scheme of the above mentioned tests was as follows. Researchers in different experiments used sources of solid particles, waves and electrons (machine gun in case of solid  particles, water launder and waves “source” – object which vibrates by means of small engine in  perpendicular direction of the water surface and causes sphere waves in it  –  in case of water  waves  and  electronic  ejector  –  in  case  of  electrons).  Proper  flows  received  from  them  were  preceded by impermeable wall; in the middle part it had two clefts of identical size situated not  so  far  from  each  other,  in  which  flow,  coming  from  the  source,  ran  without  obstacles.  An  absorbing structure was placed after the wall. In the test conducted by the bullets, the role of  the absorber was fulfilling breastwork, in the experiment conducted on water waves – sand bar,  in  electrons  test  –  metal  plate. A  detector  (sand  box,  waves’  height  (intensity)  measurer  and  particles counter (for instance Geiger counter) was fastened to them. It was possible to move a  detector  along  the  wall  and  ascertain  probability  of  hit  of  the  substances  under  research  in  points,  distant  from  its  centre  by  various  distances.  (In case  of  water  waves  was  interesting  determination of distribution of the waves’ intensity on the axle).

Let’s discuss results of the conducted research – received corresponding curves.  Received   curves   apply   to   two   types;   first   type   curve   is   received   in   case   when  interference  does not  have  place  in  the  test.  Second  type  curve  in  case  of  water  waves  is  received when after the waves come through two clefts takes place diffraction and interference.  Curve 3 received in the issue of the test conducted with electrons turned out to be similar of the  waves and curve received in case of the waves is similar of the curve 2, i.e. electrons revealed  wave nature and gave us interference picture. On the basis  of the examined result was made  conclusion  that  electron  is  “wave-particle”.  After  much discussions,  concerning  how  could  electrons give received picture of distribution on absorbing surface, the test was repeated with  the  slight  difference  that  behind  the  first  wall,  between  two  clefts,  was  placed    a  source  of  strong light so that to precise ways of electrons movement. It is known that electric charge has  a  quality  to  disperse  light  fallen  on it.  That  is  why  light  dispersed  by  electron  falls  in  to  the  observer’s  eye  and  the  latter  will  see  where  the  electron  passed.  Was  received  unexpected  result: curve 3 changed type and resembled curve 1. When lamp was turned off, again appeared  interference picture, curve 3 resembled curve 2. Was made a conclusion that electron, when it  is observed, behaves in other way and it is possible that “electron is something very delicate”.  “It is not within our power to explain how it works” – says Feynman, “we just can tell you what  did the tests show” .

Heinzerberg admitted that in the discussed test is revealed a principle of indefiniteness. Feynman writes in his lectures: “Complete theory of quantum mechanics, which we use today  during description of atoms and i.e. entirely substances, depends on correctness of a principle of  indefiniteness, but, if anytime we will be given a possibility “to destroy it, quantum mechanics  will start giving non-agreed results and we will be forced to exclude it from the row of correct,  proper theories on nature events”. And one more pessimistic conclusion “from the lectures”: “no one has yet found solution of this puzzle (here are supposed results of the last examined test,  author’s note). Thus, now we are forced to limit ourselves by probability calculation. We say  “today“, but doubt is serious that all this is already constant and cracking this nut is not within  the power of a human’s teeth as such is nature of the objects”.

Partially differing author’s opinion is offered in this article for consideration concerning  the  nature  of  light,  also  the  events  related  to  light  and  some  puzzles  resulting  from  the  aforementioned  experiments,  in  particular  the  behavior  of  electrons,  which  “is  not  like  anything” according to the physicians’ opinion.

In classical science it was considered that physics studies the events, where “the essence of  substance is not changed”, although, yet in the seventeenth century I. Newton in his “optics”  together with other significant views was paying attention to the issue of light and substance  interaction, he wrote: “can light turn into substance and vice versa ?”. As for modern physics, it  studies  the  events,  during  occurrence  of  which  “the  essence  of  substance”  is  changed  more  deeply, than during chemical reactions. Such is a transformation of electromagnetic radiation  into  particle,  which  has  non-zero immobility  mass.  The  test  has  shown  that  the  photon  of  significantly fast (more than the determined amount) vibration is transformed into a substance –  positive and negative electrode.

On  the  basis  of  the  considered  in  the  article  experiments,  and  taking  into  account  the  opinions, stated by the leading scientists of classical and modern physics concerning the nature  of light and related to it events, it is possible to draw a conclusion as follows.

Any kind of radiation of substance, and inclusive of light, is of a difficult composition. It  contains  two  parts  simultaneously:  radial  and  wavy  radiation.  They  represent  two different  kinds of matter and energy. They include some charged particle of immobility mass, therefore it  is proper to talk about double character of radiation – wavy and radial.  Radiation is spread in the space at the known speed c=300 000 km/sec.

Let’s discuss  the  aforementioned  scheme  of  propagation  of  light.  At  those  points of the space, where the ray crosses the ridge of wave, which possesses maximal meaning  of  energy,  by  adding  of  these  two  energies  (radial  and  maximal  wavy)  are  created  the conditions,  in  order  to  originate  a  solid,  charged  particle  (or  through  hardening  a  virtual  particle, or through discharging an electrode from any atom). Probably, they would not have an initial speed (or it would be smaller than the speed of light), and they would be easily gripped  by the ridge of light wave  (like a rake on the ridge of sea wave) . Therefore, the trajectory of electron movement will get a wave form, i.e. the electron will reveal the feature, which it does  not  possess  as  usual.  This can explain  a  diffractional  picture of  the  electrode  movement  after  passing two gaps, obtained in the aforementioned tests. Therefore, the conclusion is drawn as  follows: an electron is a particle and it is not “a wave-particle” or as it has been called by the  scientists  “microcentaur”,  which  surprised  the  physicians  of  the  twentieth  century  by  its  incomprehensible movement.  Е. Schrodinger stated that “a moving particle is nothing but foam on wavy radiation”. It is  difficult not to remember the issues, which were considered by N. Bore due to the definition of  “wave-particle”, brought in physics: “may be the nature does not need certain initial conditions  for  its  existence  on  the  micro-level?”  and  one  more  –  “aren’t  they “coordinate-void”?”.  The  famous  physicians  in  their  debates  and  discussions  tried  to approach  the  truth  about  the  movement of those charged particles, which showed up in the related to light events.

Let’s remember  I. Newton’s idea on the nature of light: “I think that light is something that  is  differently  propagated  from  luminous  body.  We  can  assume  that  light  is  a material  emanation or movement, or an impulse, which causes movement, or something else… I admit  only, that light consists of rays, which are different from each other by circumstances, amount,  form  or  strength,  as  well  as  sand  granules  and  lake  waves  differ”.  By the contemporaries’  presenting  of  I.  Newton,  light  atoms  differ  from  substance  atoms  only  by “rapidity”  and  “smallness”. As S. I. Pavlov informs us, later I.Newton put forward a compromise hypothesis using the priorities of emissive and wavy ideas. I.E. Newton’s true conception on light was the merging  of  corpuscle  and  wave faces.  Modern  physics  has  come  to  an  analogical  conclusion;  light represents the merging of photons and waves. Thereby, the ideas stated by us concerning  the nature of light should not be unacceptable for the modern physicians.

Taking  into  account  all  the  aforementioned  opinions,  let’s  consider  the  experiment  conducted for studying the behavior and nature of electrons, the result of which has created a  big puzzle for the physicians and led them to the conclusion that we will never explain why is  happening  the  event,  which  has  occurred  during  the  test:  why  was  changing  the  curve,  reflecting the allocation of electrons, on the electrons absorbing plate as a result of the bulb’s switch on and off , and why was it receiving the face, characterizing sometimes solid particles  and sometimes waves.

 Let’s take a look at the scheme of these experiments. It represents a tungsten wire,  placed  in  the  metal  box,  which  is  warmed  by  current.  The  front  side  of  the  box  has  a  hole.  Negative   current   is   led   to   the   wire,   and   positive   current   is   led   to   the   box.   As   the  experimentators  assume,  the  wire  radiates  electrons  upon  its  heating,  which  by  affecting  the  box walls obtain rapidity and some of them break out of the hole. Electrons have got a certain  speed, at which they move and when they approach the front wall of the box with two holes,  they  break  out  of  them  and  reach  a  detector,  i.e.  the  counter  of  charged  particles.  As  it  was  mentioned  above,  the  curve  of  electrons  allocation  on  X  axis  appeared  to  be  depicting  the  interference.

According  the  aforementioned  assumption,  in  the  electron  weapon  from  the tungsten  wire, upon its shot, will radiate light as waves and rays, and not electrons. They appear in the  space upon propagation of light on the ridge of wave and move together with this ridge. Thus,  along their X axis, the curve of allocation will receive a face of wave, i.e. it will be depicting the  interference.

When the aforementioned experiment was repeated with the difference that between the  gaps and the absorbing walls was placed the source of strong light, it showed own picture of  electrons’ allocation on the absorbing walls by its radiation and emerged electrons. As the light  waves  did  not  break  into  two  different  gaps,  they  did  not  undergo interference  and  non –  interferential picture was obtained. The second source of light was stronger that the first one, it was better than the first one and covered the interferential picture, received from it. Moreover, the direction of the propagation of lights waves and rays in the space, existing between the first  and  second  sources,  is  opposite  to  each  other  and  thus  the  electrons,  coming  from  the  first source could possibly not reach the counter.

Hopefully, on the basis of the aforementioned hypothesis it would be possible to explain the  results of a number of other experiments and to formulate a new theory on the nature of  light.

The fact that the substance, existing in a certain condition radiates energy, which in its  turn,  upon  propagating  in  the  space,  affects  the  virtual  particle,  emerging  from  vacuum,  and  creates a new solid particle possessing charge and immobility mass  –  electron, really deserves  the physicians’  attention. It is not excluded that better studying of these events will lead us to  the source of origin of world and evolution.

See full article –

Journal of the Georgian Geophysical Society;


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